Title: | Robust Linear Quantile Regression |
Description: | It fits a robust linear quantile regression model using a new family of zero-quantile distributions for the error term. Missing values and censored observations can be handled as well. This family of distribution includes skewed versions of the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash and Contaminated Normal distribution. It also performs logistic quantile regression for bounded responses as shown in Galarza et.al.(2020) <doi:10.1007/s13571-020-00231-0>. It provides estimates and full inference. It also provides envelopes plots for assessing the fit and confidences bands when several quantiles are provided simultaneously. |
Authors: | Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>, Luis Benites <[email protected]>, Marcelo Bourguignon <[email protected]>, Victor H. Lachos <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 5.2 |
Built: | 2025-03-10 05:50:51 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/lqr |
It fits a robust linear quantile regression model using a new family of zero-quantile distributions for the error term. This family of distribution includes skewed versions of the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash and Contaminated Normal distribution. It provides estimates and full inference. It also provides envelopes plots for assessing the fit and confidences bands when several quantiles are provided simultaneously. Details of its first version can be found below.
Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>, Luis Benites <[email protected]> and Victor H. Lachos <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H. & Bourguignon M. (2021). A skew-t quantile regression for censored and missing data. Stat.<doi:10.1002/sta4.379>.
Galarza C.E., Lachos V.H. & Panpan Z. (2020) Logistic quantile regression for bounded outcomes using a family of heavy-tailed distributions. Sankhya B. <doi:10.1007/s13571-020-00231-0>.
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H., Cabral, C. R. B., & Castro, C. L. (2017). Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions. Stat, 6(1), 113-130.
Data on 102 male and 100 female athletes collected at the Australian Institute of Sport.
This data frame contains the following columns:
(0 = male or 1 = female)
height (cm)
weight (kg)
lean body mass
red cell count
white cell count
plasma ferritin concentration
body mass index, weight/(height)**2
sum of skin folds
Percent body fat
Case Labels
S. Weisberg (2005). Applied Linear Regression, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley, Section 6.4
It finds the best fit distribution in robust linear quantile regression model. It adjusts the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash and Contaminated Normal models. It shows a summary table with the likelihood-based criterion, envelopes plots and the histogram of the residuals with fitted densities for all models. Estimates and full inference are provided for the best model.
best.lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL, p = 0.5, precision = 10^-6, criterion = "AIC")
best.lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL, p = 0.5, precision = 10^-6, criterion = "AIC")
formula |
an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
subset |
an optional string specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. Be aware of the use of double quotes in a proper way when necessary, e.g., in |
p |
An unique quantile or a set of quantiles related to the quantile regression. |
precision |
The convergence maximum error permitted. By default is 10^-6. |
criterion |
Likelihood-based criterion to be used for choosen the best model. It could be |
The best.fit()
function finds the best model only for one quantile. For fitting a grid of quantiles lqr()
might be used but the distribution must be provided.
For the best model:
iter |
number of iterations. |
criteria |
attained criteria value. |
beta |
fixed effects estimates. |
sigma |
scale parameter estimate for the error term. |
nu |
Estimate of |
gamma |
Estimate of |
SE |
Standard Error estimates. |
table |
Table containing the inference for the fixed effects parameters. |
loglik |
Log-likelihood value. |
Akaike information criterion. |
Bayesian information criterion. |
HQ |
Hannan-Quinn information criterion. |
fitted.values |
vector containing the fitted values. |
residuals |
vector containing the residuals. |
Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>, Luis Benites <[email protected]> and Victor H. Lachos <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H., Cabral, C. R. B., & Castro, C. L. (2017). Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions. Stat, 6(1), 113-130.
Wichitaksorn, N., Choy, S. T., & Gerlach, R. (2014). A generalized class of skew distributions and associated robust quantile regression models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 42(4), 579-596.
data(crabs,package = "MASS") #Finding the best model for the 3rd quartile based on BIC best.lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs, p = 0.75, criterion = "BIC")
data(crabs,package = "MASS") #Finding the best model for the 3rd quartile based on BIC best.lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs, p = 0.75, criterion = "BIC")
It fits a linear quantile regression model where the error term is considered to follow an SKT skew-t distribution, that is, the one proposed by Wichitaksorn et.al. (2014). Additionally, the model is capable to deal with missing and interval-censored data at the same time. Degrees of freedom can be either estimated or supplied by the user. It offers estimates and full inference. It also provides envelopes plots and likelihood-based criteria for assessing the fit, as well as fitted and imputed values.
y |
the response vector of dimension |
x |
design matrix for the fixed effects of dimension |
cc |
vector of censoring/missing indicators. For each observation it takes 0 if non-censored/missing, 1 if censored/missing. |
LL |
the vector of lower limits of dimension |
UL |
the vector of upper limits of dimension |
p |
An unique quantile of interest to fit the quantile regression. |
nu |
It represents the degrees of freedom of the skew-t distribution. When is not provided, we use the MLE. |
precision |
The convergence maximum error permitted. By default is 10^-6. |
envelope |
if |
Missing or censored values in the response can be represented imputed as NaN
s, since the algorithm only uses the information provided in the lower and upper limits LL and UL. The indicator vector cc
must take the value of 1 for these observations.
*Censored and missing data*
If all lower limits are -Inf
, we will be dealing with left-censored data.
Besides, if all upper limits are Inf
, this is the case of right-censored data. Interval-censoring is considered when both limits are finites. If some observation is missing, we have not information at all, so both limits must be infinites.
Combinations of all cases above are permitted, that is, we may have left-censored, right-censored, interval-censored and missing data at the same time.
iter |
number of iterations. |
criteria |
attained criteria value. |
beta |
fixed effects estimates. |
sigma |
scale parameter estimate for the error term. |
nu |
Estimate of |
SE |
Standard Error estimates. |
table |
Table containing the inference for the fixed effects parameters. |
loglik |
Log-likelihood value. |
Akaike information criterion. |
Bayesian information criterion. |
HQ |
Hannan-Quinn information criterion. |
fitted.values |
vector containing the fitted values. |
imputed.values |
vector containing the imputed values for censored/missing observations. |
residuals |
vector containing the residuals. |
Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>, Marcelo Bourguignon <[email protected]> and Victor H. Lachos <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H. & Bourguignon M. (2021). A skew-t quantile regression for censored and missing data. Stat.doi:10.1002/sta4.379.
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H., Cabral, C. R. B., & Castro, C. L. (2017). Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions. Stat, 6(1), 113-130.
Wichitaksorn, N., Choy, S. B., & Gerlach, R. (2014). A generalized class of skew distributions and associated robust quantile regression models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 42(4), 579-596.
##Load the data data(ais) attach(ais) ##Setting y<-BMI x<-cbind(1,LBM,Sex) cc = rep(0,length(y)) LL = UL = rep(NA,length(y)) #Generating a 5% of interval-censored values ind = sample(x = c(0,1),size = length(y), replace = TRUE,prob = c(0.95,0.05)) ind1 = (ind == 1) cc[ind1] = 1 LL[ind1] = y[ind1] - 10 UL[ind1] = y[ind1] + 10 y[ind1] = NA #deleting data #Fitting the model # A median regression with unknown degrees of freedom out = cens.lqr(y,x,cc,LL,UL,p=0.5,nu = NULL,precision = 1e-6,envelope = TRUE) # A first quartile regression with 10 degrees of freedom out = cens.lqr(y,x,cc,LL,UL,p=0.25,nu = 10,precision = 1e-6,envelope = TRUE)
##Load the data data(ais) attach(ais) ##Setting y<-BMI x<-cbind(1,LBM,Sex) cc = rep(0,length(y)) LL = UL = rep(NA,length(y)) #Generating a 5% of interval-censored values ind = sample(x = c(0,1),size = length(y), replace = TRUE,prob = c(0.95,0.05)) ind1 = (ind == 1) cc[ind1] = 1 LL[ind1] = y[ind1] - 10 UL[ind1] = y[ind1] + 10 y[ind1] = NA #deleting data #Fitting the model # A median regression with unknown degrees of freedom out = cens.lqr(y,x,cc,LL,UL,p=0.5,nu = NULL,precision = 1e-6,envelope = TRUE) # A first quartile regression with 10 degrees of freedom out = cens.lqr(y,x,cc,LL,UL,p=0.25,nu = 10,precision = 1e-6,envelope = TRUE)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for truncated distributions.
dtrunc(x, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, log=FALSE, ...) extrunc(spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) ptrunc(x, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) qtrunc(p, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) rtrunc(n, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) vartrunc(spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...)
dtrunc(x, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, log=FALSE, ...) extrunc(spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) ptrunc(x, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) qtrunc(p, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) rtrunc(n, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) vartrunc(spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...)
n |
This is a the number of random draws for |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
x |
This is a vector to be evaluated. |
spec |
The base name of a probability distribution is
specified here. For example, to estimate the density of a
truncated normal distribution, enter |
a |
This is the lower bound of truncation, which defaults to negative infinity. |
b |
This is the upper bound of truncation, which defaults to infinity. |
log |
Logical. If |
... |
Additional arguments to pass. |
A truncated distribution is a conditional distribution that results
from a priori restricting the domain of some other probability
distribution. More than merely preventing values outside of truncated
bounds, a proper truncated distribution integrates to one within the
truncated bounds. In contrast to a truncated distribution, a
censored distribution occurs when the probability distribution is
still allowed outside of a pre-specified range. Here, distributions
are truncated to the interval , such as
The R code of Nadarajah and Kotz (2006) has been modified to work with log-densities. This code was also available in the (extinct) package LaplacesDemon.
gives the density,
gives the expectation,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function,
generates random deviates, and
gives the variance of the truncated distribution.
Nadarajah, S. and Kotz, S. (2006). "R Programs for Computing Truncated Distributions". Journal of Statistical Software, 16, Code Snippet 2, p. 1–8.
x <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, by = 0.1) y <- dtrunc(x, "norm", a=-0.5, b=0.5, mean=0, sd=2)
x <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, by = 0.1) y <- dtrunc(x, "norm", a=-0.5, b=0.5, mean=0, sd=2)
Expected value of X, log(X), 1/X and variance for the generalized inverse gaussian distribution. This function has been recycled from the ghyp R package.
Egig(lambda, chi, psi, func = c("x", "logx", "1/x", "var"))
Egig(lambda, chi, psi, func = c("x", "logx", "1/x", "var"))
lambda |
A shape and scale and parameter. |
chi , psi
Shape and scale parameters. Must be positive. |
func |
The transformation function when computing the expected value.
with func = "log x"
from the R package numDeriv. See
the package vignette for details regarding the expectation of GIG
random variables.
gives the expected value
of either x
, 1/x
, log(x)
or the variance if func
equals var
David Luethi and Ester Pantaleo
Dagpunar, J.S. (1989). An easily implemented generalised inverse Gaussian generator. Commun. Statist. -Simula., 18, 703–710.
Michael, J. R, Schucany, W. R, Haas, R, W. (1976). Generating random variates using transformations with multiple roots, The American Statistican, 30, 88–90.
Egig(lambda = 10, chi = 1, psi = 1, func = "x") Egig(lambda = 10, chi = 1, psi = 1, func = "var") Egig(lambda = 10, chi = 1, psi = 1, func = "1/x")
Egig(lambda = 10, chi = 1, psi = 1, func = "x") Egig(lambda = 10, chi = 1, psi = 1, func = "var") Egig(lambda = 10, chi = 1, psi = 1, func = "1/x")
It performs the logistic transformation in Galarza et.al.(2020) (see references) for estimating quantiles for a bounded response. Once the response is transformed, it uses the best.lqr
Log.best.lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL, p=0.5,a=0,b=1, epsilon = 0.001,precision = 10^-6, criterion = "AIC")
Log.best.lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL, p=0.5,a=0,b=1, epsilon = 0.001,precision = 10^-6, criterion = "AIC")
We will detail first the only three arguments that differ from best.lqr
a |
lower bound for the response (default = 0) |
b |
upper bound for the response (default = 1) |
epsilon |
a small quantity |
formula |
an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
subset |
an optional string specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. Be aware of the use of double quotes in a proper way when necessary, e.g., in |
p |
An unique quantile or a set of quantiles related to the quantile regression. |
precision |
The convergence maximum error permitted. By default is 10^-6. |
criterion |
Likelihood-based criterion to be used for choosen the best model. It could be |
We follow the transformation in Bottai et.al. (2009) defined as
that implies
where represents the conditional quantile of the response. Once estimates for the regression coefficients
are obtained, inference on
can then be made through the inverse transform above. This equation (as function) is provided in the output. See example.
The interpretation of the regression coefficients is analogous to the interpretation of the coefficients of a logistic regression for binary outcomes.
For example, let be the gender (male = 0, female=1). Then
represents the odds ratio of median score in males vs females, where the odds are
defined using the score instead of a probability,
. When the covariate is continous, the respective
coeficient can be interpretated as the increment (or decrement) over the log(odd ratio) when the covariate increases one unit.
For the best model:
iter |
number of iterations. |
criteria |
attained criteria value. |
beta |
fixed effects estimates. |
sigma |
scale parameter estimate for the error term. |
nu |
Estimate of |
gamma |
Estimate of |
SE |
Standard Error estimates. |
table |
Table containing the inference for the fixed effects parameters. |
loglik |
Log-likelihood value. |
Akaike information criterion. |
Bayesian information criterion. |
HQ |
Hannan-Quinn information criterion. |
fitted.values |
vector containing the fitted values. |
residuals |
vector containing the residuals. |
When a grid of quantiles is provided, a graphical summary with point estimates and Confidence Intervals for model parameters is shown. Also, the result will be a list of the same dimension where each element corresponds to each quantile as detailed above.
Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>, Luis Benites <[email protected]> and Victor H. Lachos <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>
Galarza, C.M., Zhang P. and Lachos, V.H. (2020). Logistic Quantile Regression for Bounded Outcomes Using a Family of Heavy-Tailed Distributions. Sankhya B: The Indian Journal of Statistics. doi:10.1007/s13571-020-00231-0
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H., Cabral, C. R. B., & Castro, C. L. (2017). Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions. Stat, 6(1), 113-130.
##Load the data data(resistance) attach(resistance) #EXAMPLE 1.1 #Comparing the resistence to death of two types of tumor-cells. #The response is a score in [0,4]. boxplot(score~type) #Median logistic quantile regression (Best fit distribution) res = Log.best.lqr(formula = score~type,data = resistance,a=0,b=4) # The odds ratio of median score in type B vs type A exp(res$beta[2]) #Proving that exp(res$beta[2]) is approx median odd ratio medA = median(score[type=="A"]) medB = median(score[type=="B"]) rateA = (medA - 0)/(4 - medA) rateB = (medB - 0)/(4 - medB) odd = rateB/rateA round(c(exp(res$beta[2]),odd),3) #best fit #EXAMPLE 1.2 ############ #Comparing the resistence to death depending of dose. #descriptive plot(dose,score,ylim=c(0,4),col="dark gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) dosecat<-cut(dose, 6, ordered = TRUE) boxplot(score~dosecat,ylim=c(0,4)) abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) #(Non logistic) Best quantile regression for quantiles # 0.05, 0.50 and 0.95 p05 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.05) p50 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.50) p95 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.95) res3 = list(p05,p50,p95) plot(dose,score,ylim=c(-1,5),col="gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose), p05$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') lines(sort(dose), p50$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='blue', type='l') lines(sort(dose), p95$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') #Using logistic quantile regression for obtaining predictions inside bounds logp05 = Log.best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.05,b = 4) #a = 0 by default logp50 = Log.best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.50,b = 4) logp95 = Log.best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.95,b = 4) res4 = list(logp05,logp50,logp95) #No more prediction curves out-of-bounds plot(dose,score,ylim=c(-1,5),col="gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose), logp05$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') lines(sort(dose), logp50$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='blue', type='l') lines(sort(dose), logp95$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l')
##Load the data data(resistance) attach(resistance) #EXAMPLE 1.1 #Comparing the resistence to death of two types of tumor-cells. #The response is a score in [0,4]. boxplot(score~type) #Median logistic quantile regression (Best fit distribution) res = Log.best.lqr(formula = score~type,data = resistance,a=0,b=4) # The odds ratio of median score in type B vs type A exp(res$beta[2]) #Proving that exp(res$beta[2]) is approx median odd ratio medA = median(score[type=="A"]) medB = median(score[type=="B"]) rateA = (medA - 0)/(4 - medA) rateB = (medB - 0)/(4 - medB) odd = rateB/rateA round(c(exp(res$beta[2]),odd),3) #best fit #EXAMPLE 1.2 ############ #Comparing the resistence to death depending of dose. #descriptive plot(dose,score,ylim=c(0,4),col="dark gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) dosecat<-cut(dose, 6, ordered = TRUE) boxplot(score~dosecat,ylim=c(0,4)) abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) #(Non logistic) Best quantile regression for quantiles # 0.05, 0.50 and 0.95 p05 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.05) p50 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.50) p95 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.95) res3 = list(p05,p50,p95) plot(dose,score,ylim=c(-1,5),col="gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose), p05$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') lines(sort(dose), p50$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='blue', type='l') lines(sort(dose), p95$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') #Using logistic quantile regression for obtaining predictions inside bounds logp05 = Log.best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.05,b = 4) #a = 0 by default logp50 = Log.best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.50,b = 4) logp95 = Log.best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.95,b = 4) res4 = list(logp05,logp50,logp95) #No more prediction curves out-of-bounds plot(dose,score,ylim=c(-1,5),col="gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose), logp05$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') lines(sort(dose), logp50$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='blue', type='l') lines(sort(dose), logp95$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l')
It performs the logistic transformation in Galarza et.al.(2020) (see references) for estimating quantiles for a bounded response. Once the response is transformed, it uses the lqr
Log.lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL, p=0.5,a=0,b=1, dist = "normal", nu=NULL, gamma=NULL, precision = 10^-6, epsilon = 0.001, CI=0.95, silent = FALSE)
Log.lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL, p=0.5,a=0,b=1, dist = "normal", nu=NULL, gamma=NULL, precision = 10^-6, epsilon = 0.001, CI=0.95, silent = FALSE)
We will detail first the only three arguments that differ from lqr
a |
lower bound for the response (default = 0) |
b |
upper bound for the response (default = 1) |
epsilon |
a small quantity |
formula |
an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
subset |
an optional string specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. Be aware of the use of double quotes in a proper way when necessary, e.g., in |
p |
An unique quantile or a set of quantiles related to the quantile regression. |
dist |
represents the distribution to be used for the error term. The values are |
nu |
It represents the degrees of freedom when |
gamma |
It represents a scale factor for the contaminated normal distribution. When is not provided, we use the MLE. |
precision |
The convergence maximum error permitted. By default is 10^-6. |
CI |
Confidence to be used for the Confidence Interval when a grid of quantiles is provided. Default = 0.95. |
silent |
if |
We follow the transformation in Bottai et.al. (2009) defined as
that implies
where represents the conditional quantile of the response. Once estimates for the regression coefficients
are obtained, inference on
can then be made through the inverse transform above. This equation (as function) is provided in the output. See example.
The interpretation of the regression coefficients is analogous to the interpretation of the coefficients of a logistic regression for binary outcomes.
For example, let be the gender (male = 0, female=1). Then
represents the odds ratio of median score in males vs females, where the odds are defined using the score instead of a probability,
. When the covariate is continous, the respective
coeficient can be interpretated as the increment (or decrement) over the log(odd ratio) when the covariate increases one unit.
iter |
number of iterations. |
criteria |
attained criteria value. |
beta |
fixed effects estimates. |
sigma |
scale parameter estimate for the error term. |
nu |
Estimate of |
gamma |
Estimate of |
SE |
Standard Error estimates. |
table |
Table containing the inference for the fixed effects parameters. |
loglik |
Log-likelihood value. |
Akaike information criterion. |
Bayesian information criterion. |
HQ |
Hannan-Quinn information criterion. |
fitted.values |
vector containing the fitted values. |
residuals |
vector containing the residuals. |
When a grid of quantiles is provided, a graphical summary with point estimates and Confidence Intervals for model parameters is shown. Also, the result will be a list of the same dimension where each element corresponds to each quantile as detailed above.
Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>, Luis Benites <[email protected]> and Victor H. Lachos <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>
Galarza, C.M., Zhang P. and Lachos, V.H. (2020). Logistic Quantile Regression for Bounded Outcomes Using a Family of Heavy-Tailed Distributions. Sankhya B: The Indian Journal of Statistics. doi:10.1007/s13571-020-00231-0
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H., Cabral, C. R. B., & Castro, C. L. (2017). Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions. Stat, 6(1), 113-130.
##Load the data data(resistance) attach(resistance) #EXAMPLE 1.1 #Comparing the resistence to death of two types of tumor-cells. #The response is a score in [0,4]. boxplot(score~type,ylab="score",xlab="type") #Student't median logistic quantile regression res = Log.lqr(score~type,data = resistance,a=0,b=4,dist="t") # The odds ratio of median score in type B vs type A exp(res$beta[2]) #Proving that exp(res$beta[2]) is approx median odd ratio medA = median(score[type=="A"]) medB = median(score[type=="B"]) rateA = (medA - 0)/(4 - medA) rateB = (medB - 0)/(4 - medB) odd = rateB/rateA round(c(exp(res$beta[2]),odd),3) #EXAMPLE 1.2 ############ #Comparing the resistence to death depending of dose. #descriptive plot(dose,score,ylim=c(0,4),col="dark gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) dosecat<-cut(dose, 6, ordered = TRUE) boxplot(score~dosecat,ylim=c(0,4)) abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) #(Non logistic) Best quantile regression for quantiles # 0.05, 0.50 and 0.95 p05 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.05) p50 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.50) p95 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.95) res3 = list(p05,p50,p95) plot(dose,score,ylim=c(-1,5),col="gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose), p05$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') lines(sort(dose), p50$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='blue', type='l') lines(sort(dose), p95$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') #Using Student's t logistic quantile regression for obtaining preditypeBions inside bounds logp05 = Log.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.05,b = 4,dist = "t") #a = 0 by default logp50 = Log.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.50,b = 4,dist = "t") logp95 = Log.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.95,b = 4,dist = "t") res4 = list(logp05,logp50,logp95) #No more predited curves out-of-bounds plot(dose,score,ylim=c(-1,5),col="gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose), logp05$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') lines(sort(dose), logp50$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='blue', type='l') lines(sort(dose), logp95$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') #EXAMPLE 1.3 ############ #A full model using dose and type for a grid of quantiles res5 = Log.lqr(formula = score ~ poly(dose,3)*type,data = resistance, a = 0,b = 4, p = seq(from = 0.05,to = 0.95,by = 0.05),dist = "t", silent = TRUE) #A nice plot if(TRUE){ par(mfrow=c(1,2)) typeB = (resistance$type == "B") plot(dose,score, ylim=c(0,4), col=c(8*typeB + 1*!typeB),main="Type A") abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[2]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='red') lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[5]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='green') lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[10]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='blue',lwd=2) lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[15]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='green') lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[18]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='red') plot(dose,score, ylim=c(0,4), col=c(1*typeB + 8*!typeB),main="Type B") abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[2]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='red') lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[5]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='green') lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[10]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='blue',lwd=2) lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[15]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='green') lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[18]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='red') }
##Load the data data(resistance) attach(resistance) #EXAMPLE 1.1 #Comparing the resistence to death of two types of tumor-cells. #The response is a score in [0,4]. boxplot(score~type,ylab="score",xlab="type") #Student't median logistic quantile regression res = Log.lqr(score~type,data = resistance,a=0,b=4,dist="t") # The odds ratio of median score in type B vs type A exp(res$beta[2]) #Proving that exp(res$beta[2]) is approx median odd ratio medA = median(score[type=="A"]) medB = median(score[type=="B"]) rateA = (medA - 0)/(4 - medA) rateB = (medB - 0)/(4 - medB) odd = rateB/rateA round(c(exp(res$beta[2]),odd),3) #EXAMPLE 1.2 ############ #Comparing the resistence to death depending of dose. #descriptive plot(dose,score,ylim=c(0,4),col="dark gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) dosecat<-cut(dose, 6, ordered = TRUE) boxplot(score~dosecat,ylim=c(0,4)) abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) #(Non logistic) Best quantile regression for quantiles # 0.05, 0.50 and 0.95 p05 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.05) p50 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.50) p95 = best.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.95) res3 = list(p05,p50,p95) plot(dose,score,ylim=c(-1,5),col="gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose), p05$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') lines(sort(dose), p50$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='blue', type='l') lines(sort(dose), p95$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') #Using Student's t logistic quantile regression for obtaining preditypeBions inside bounds logp05 = Log.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.05,b = 4,dist = "t") #a = 0 by default logp50 = Log.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.50,b = 4,dist = "t") logp95 = Log.lqr(score~poly(dose,3),data = resistance,p = 0.95,b = 4,dist = "t") res4 = list(logp05,logp50,logp95) #No more predited curves out-of-bounds plot(dose,score,ylim=c(-1,5),col="gray");abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose), logp05$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') lines(sort(dose), logp50$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='blue', type='l') lines(sort(dose), logp95$fitted.values[order(dose)], col='red', type='l') #EXAMPLE 1.3 ############ #A full model using dose and type for a grid of quantiles res5 = Log.lqr(formula = score ~ poly(dose,3)*type,data = resistance, a = 0,b = 4, p = seq(from = 0.05,to = 0.95,by = 0.05),dist = "t", silent = TRUE) #A nice plot if(TRUE){ par(mfrow=c(1,2)) typeB = (resistance$type == "B") plot(dose,score, ylim=c(0,4), col=c(8*typeB + 1*!typeB),main="Type A") abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[2]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='red') lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[5]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='green') lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[10]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='blue',lwd=2) lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[15]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='green') lines(sort(dose[!typeB]), res5[[18]]$fitted.values[!typeB][order(dose[!typeB])], col='red') plot(dose,score, ylim=c(0,4), col=c(1*typeB + 8*!typeB),main="Type B") abline(h=c(0,4),lty=2) lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[2]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='red') lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[5]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='green') lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[10]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='blue',lwd=2) lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[15]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='green') lines(sort(dose[typeB]), res5[[18]]$fitted.values[typeB][order(dose[typeB])], col='red') }
It fits a robust linear quantile regression model using a new family of zero-quantile distributions for the error term. This family of distribution includes skewed versions of the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash and Contaminated Normal distribution. It provides estimates and full inference. It also provides envelopes plots for assessing the fit and confidences bands when several quantiles are provided simultaneously.
lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL, p=0.5,dist = "normal", nu=NULL,gamma=NULL, precision = 10^-6,envelope=FALSE, CI=0.95,silent = FALSE ) #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "normal") #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "t") #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "laplace") #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "slash") #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "cont") #lqr(y~x, p = c(0.25,0.50,0.75), dist = "normal")
lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL, p=0.5,dist = "normal", nu=NULL,gamma=NULL, precision = 10^-6,envelope=FALSE, CI=0.95,silent = FALSE ) #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "normal") #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "t") #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "laplace") #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "slash") #lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "cont") #lqr(y~x, p = c(0.25,0.50,0.75), dist = "normal")
formula |
an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
subset |
an optional string specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. Be aware of the use of double quotes in a proper way when necessary, e.g., in |
p |
An unique quantile or a set of quantiles related to the quantile regression. |
dist |
represents the distribution to be used for the error term. The values are |
nu |
It represents the degrees of freedom when |
gamma |
It represents a scale factor for the contaminated normal distribution. When is not provided, we use the MLE. |
precision |
The convergence maximum error permitted. By default is 10^-6. |
envelope |
if |
CI |
Confidence to be used for the Confidence Interval when a grid of quantiles is provided. Default = 0.95. |
silent |
if |
When a grid of quantiles is provided, a graphical summary with point estimates and Confidence Intervals for model parameters is shown.
iter |
number of iterations. |
criteria |
attained criteria value. |
beta |
fixed effects estimates. |
sigma |
scale parameter estimate for the error term. |
nu |
Estimate of |
gamma |
Estimate of |
SE |
Standard Error estimates. |
table |
Table containing the inference for the fixed effects parameters. |
loglik |
Log-likelihood value. |
Akaike information criterion. |
Bayesian information criterion. |
HQ |
Hannan-Quinn information criterion. |
fitted.values |
vector containing the fitted values. |
residuals |
vector containing the residuals. |
If a grid of quantiles is provided, the result will be a list of the same dimension where each element corresponds to each quantile as detailed above.
Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>, Luis Benites <[email protected]> and Victor H. Lachos <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H., Cabral, C. R. B., & Castro, C. L. (2017). Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions. Stat, 6(1), 113-130.
Wichitaksorn, N., Choy, S. T., & Gerlach, R. (2014). A generalized class of skew distributions and associated robust quantile regression models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 42(4), 579-596.
#Example 1 ##Load the data data(ais) attach(ais) ## Fitting a median regression with Normal errors (by default) modelF = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais,subset = "(Sex==1)") modelM = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais,subset = "(Sex==0)") plot(LBM,BMI,col=Sex*2+1, xlab="Lean Body Mass", ylab="Body4 Mass Index", main="Quantile Regression") abline(a = modelF$beta[1],b = modelF$beta[2],lwd=2,col=3) abline(a = modelM$beta[1],b = modelM$beta[2],lwd=2,col=1) legend(x = "topleft",legend = c("Male","Female"),lwd = 2,col = c(1,3)) #COMPARING SOME MODELS for median regression modelN = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "normal") modelT = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "t") modelL = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "laplace") #Comparing AIC criteria modelN$AIC;modelT$AIC;modelL$AIC #This could be automatically done using best.lqr() best.model = best.lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais, p = 0.75, #third quartile criterion = "AIC") #Let's use a grid of quantiles (no output) modelfull = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais, p = seq(from = 0.10,to = 0.90,by = 0.05), dist = "normal",silent = TRUE) #Plotting quantiles 0.10,0.25,0.50,0.75 and 0.90 if(TRUE){ plot(LBM,BMI,xlab = "Lean Body Mass" ,ylab = "Body Mass Index", main = "Quantile Regression",pch=16) colvec = c(2,2,3,3,4) imodel = c(1,17,4,14,9) for(i in 1:5){ abline(a = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[1], b = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[2], lwd=2,col=colvec[i]) } legend(x = "topleft", legend = rev(c("0.10","0.25","0.50","0.75","0.90")), lwd = 2,col = c(2,3,4,3,2)) } #Example 2 ##Load the data data(crabs,package = "MASS") attach(crabs) ## Fitting a median regression with Normal errors (by default) #Note the double quotes crabsF = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs,subset = "(sex=='F')") crabsM = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs,subset = "(sex=='M')") if(TRUE){ plot(FL,BD,col=as.numeric(sex)+1, xlab="Frontal lobe size",ylab="Body depth",main="Quantile Regression") abline(a = crabsF$beta[1],b = crabsF$beta[2],lwd=2,col=2) abline(a = crabsM$beta[1],b = crabsM$beta[2],lwd=2,col=3) legend(x = "topleft",legend = c("Male","Female"), lwd = 2,col = c(3,2)) } #Median regression for different distributions modelN = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "normal") modelT = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "t") modelL = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "laplace") modelS = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "slash") modelC = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "cont" ) #Comparing AIC criterias modelN$AIC;modelT$AIC;modelL$AIC;modelS$AIC;modelC$AIC # best model based on BIC best.lqr(BD~FL,criterion = "BIC") #Let's use a grid of quantiles for the Student's t distribution modelfull = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs, p = seq(from = 0.10,to = 0.90,by = 0.05), dist = "t") # silent = FALSE #Plotting quantiles 0.10,0.25,0.50,0.75 and 0.90 if(TRUE){ plot(FL,BD,xlab = "Frontal lobe size" ,ylab = "Body depth", main = "Quantile Regression",pch=16) colvec = c(2,2,3,3,4) imodel = c(1,17,4,14,9) for(i in 1:5){ abline(a = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[1], b = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[2], lwd=2,col=colvec[i]) } legend(x = "topleft", legend = rev(c("0.10","0.25","0.50","0.75","0.90")), lwd = 2,col = c(2,3,4,3,2)) }
#Example 1 ##Load the data data(ais) attach(ais) ## Fitting a median regression with Normal errors (by default) modelF = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais,subset = "(Sex==1)") modelM = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais,subset = "(Sex==0)") plot(LBM,BMI,col=Sex*2+1, xlab="Lean Body Mass", ylab="Body4 Mass Index", main="Quantile Regression") abline(a = modelF$beta[1],b = modelF$beta[2],lwd=2,col=3) abline(a = modelM$beta[1],b = modelM$beta[2],lwd=2,col=1) legend(x = "topleft",legend = c("Male","Female"),lwd = 2,col = c(1,3)) #COMPARING SOME MODELS for median regression modelN = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "normal") modelT = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "t") modelL = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "laplace") #Comparing AIC criteria modelN$AIC;modelT$AIC;modelL$AIC #This could be automatically done using best.lqr() best.model = best.lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais, p = 0.75, #third quartile criterion = "AIC") #Let's use a grid of quantiles (no output) modelfull = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais, p = seq(from = 0.10,to = 0.90,by = 0.05), dist = "normal",silent = TRUE) #Plotting quantiles 0.10,0.25,0.50,0.75 and 0.90 if(TRUE){ plot(LBM,BMI,xlab = "Lean Body Mass" ,ylab = "Body Mass Index", main = "Quantile Regression",pch=16) colvec = c(2,2,3,3,4) imodel = c(1,17,4,14,9) for(i in 1:5){ abline(a = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[1], b = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[2], lwd=2,col=colvec[i]) } legend(x = "topleft", legend = rev(c("0.10","0.25","0.50","0.75","0.90")), lwd = 2,col = c(2,3,4,3,2)) } #Example 2 ##Load the data data(crabs,package = "MASS") attach(crabs) ## Fitting a median regression with Normal errors (by default) #Note the double quotes crabsF = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs,subset = "(sex=='F')") crabsM = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs,subset = "(sex=='M')") if(TRUE){ plot(FL,BD,col=as.numeric(sex)+1, xlab="Frontal lobe size",ylab="Body depth",main="Quantile Regression") abline(a = crabsF$beta[1],b = crabsF$beta[2],lwd=2,col=2) abline(a = crabsM$beta[1],b = crabsM$beta[2],lwd=2,col=3) legend(x = "topleft",legend = c("Male","Female"), lwd = 2,col = c(3,2)) } #Median regression for different distributions modelN = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "normal") modelT = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "t") modelL = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "laplace") modelS = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "slash") modelC = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "cont" ) #Comparing AIC criterias modelN$AIC;modelT$AIC;modelL$AIC;modelS$AIC;modelC$AIC # best model based on BIC best.lqr(BD~FL,criterion = "BIC") #Let's use a grid of quantiles for the Student's t distribution modelfull = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs, p = seq(from = 0.10,to = 0.90,by = 0.05), dist = "t") # silent = FALSE #Plotting quantiles 0.10,0.25,0.50,0.75 and 0.90 if(TRUE){ plot(FL,BD,xlab = "Frontal lobe size" ,ylab = "Body depth", main = "Quantile Regression",pch=16) colvec = c(2,2,3,3,4) imodel = c(1,17,4,14,9) for(i in 1:5){ abline(a = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[1], b = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[2], lwd=2,col=colvec[i]) } legend(x = "topleft", legend = rev(c("0.10","0.25","0.50","0.75","0.90")), lwd = 2,col = c(2,3,4,3,2)) }
Artificial dataset. The experiment consists in measure the resistance to death of two types of tumor-cells over different doses of a experimental drug. The data was created considering a null intercept and a cubic polinomial for the dose.
This data frame contains the following columns:
Quantity of dose of an experimental drug.
Type of tumor-cell. Type A and B.
Bounded response between 0 and 4.
This dataset was generated in order to be fitted with a logistic quantile regression since the response is bounded.
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for a Skew Family Distribution useful for quantile regression. This family of distribution includes skewed versions of the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash and Contaminated Normal distribution, all with location parameter equal to mu
, scale parameter sigma
and skewness parameter p
dSKD(y, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, dist = "normal", nu = "", gamma = "") pSKD(q, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, dist = "normal", nu = "", gamma = "", lower.tail = TRUE) qSKD(prob, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, dist = "normal", nu = "", gamma = "", lower.tail = TRUE) rSKD(n, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, dist = "normal", nu = "", gamma = "")
dSKD(y, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, dist = "normal", nu = "", gamma = "") pSKD(q, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, dist = "normal", nu = "", gamma = "", lower.tail = TRUE) qSKD(prob, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, dist = "normal", nu = "", gamma = "", lower.tail = TRUE) rSKD(n, mu = 0, sigma = 1, p = 0.5, dist = "normal", nu = "", gamma = "")
y , q
vector of quantiles. |
prob |
vector of probabilities. |
n |
number of observations. |
mu |
location parameter. |
sigma |
scale parameter. |
p |
skewness parameter. |
dist |
represents the distribution to be used for the error term. The values are |
nu |
It represents the degrees of freedom when |
gamma |
It represents a scale factor for the contaminated normal distribution. When is not provided, we use the MLE. |
lower.tail |
logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X |
If mu
, sigma
, p
or dist
are not specified they assume the default values of 0, 1, 0.5 and normal
, respectively, belonging to the Symmetric Standard Normal Distribution denoted by .
The scale parameter sigma
must be positive and non zero. The skew parameter p
must be between zero and one (0<p
This family of distributions generalize the skew distributions in Wichitaksorn et.al. (2014) as an scale mixture of skew normal distribution. Also the Three-Parameter Asymmetric Laplace Distribution defined in Koenker and Machado (1999) is a special case.
gives the density, pSKD
gives the distribution function, qSKD
gives the quantile function, and rSKD
generates a random sample.
The length of the result is determined by n for rSKD
, and is the maximum of the lengths of the numerical arguments for the other functions dSKD
, pSKD
and qSKD
The numerical arguments other than n
are recycled to the length of the result.
Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>, Luis Benites <[email protected]> and Victor H. Lachos <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <[email protected]>
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H., Cabral, C. R. B., & Castro, C. L. (2017). Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions. Stat, 6(1), 113-130.
Wichitaksorn, N., Choy, S. T., & Gerlach, R. (2014). A generalized class of skew distributions and associated robust quantile regression models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 42(4), 579-596.
## Let's plot (Normal Vs. Student-t's with 4 df) ##Density sseq = seq(15,65,length.out = 1000) dens = dSKD(y=sseq,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.75) plot(sseq,dens,type="l",lwd=2,col="red",xlab="x",ylab="f(x)", main="Normal Vs. t(4) densities") dens2 = dSKD(y=sseq,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.75,dist="t",nu=4) lines(sseq,dens2,type="l",lwd=2,col="blue",lty=2) ## Distribution Function df = pSKD(q=sseq,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.75,dist = "laplace") plot(sseq,df,type="l",lwd=2,col="blue",xlab="x",ylab="F(x)", main="Laplace Distribution function") abline(h=1,lty=2) ##Inverse Distribution Function prob = seq(0.001,0.999,length.out = 1000) idf = qSKD(prob=prob,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.25,dist="cont",nu=0.3,gamma=0.1) # 1 min appox plot(prob,idf,type="l",lwd=2,col="gray30",xlab="x",ylab=expression(F^{-1}~(x))) title(main="Skew Cont. Normal Inverse Distribution function") abline(v=c(0,1),lty=2) #Random Sample Histogram sample = rSKD(n=20000,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.2,dist="slash",nu=3) seqq2 = seq(25,100,length.out = 1000) dens3 = dSKD(y=seqq2,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.2,dist="slash",nu=3) hist(sample,breaks = 70,freq = FALSE,ylim=c(0,1.05*max(dens3,na.rm = TRUE)),main="") title(main="Histogram and True density") lines(seqq2,dens3,col="blue",lwd=2)
## Let's plot (Normal Vs. Student-t's with 4 df) ##Density sseq = seq(15,65,length.out = 1000) dens = dSKD(y=sseq,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.75) plot(sseq,dens,type="l",lwd=2,col="red",xlab="x",ylab="f(x)", main="Normal Vs. t(4) densities") dens2 = dSKD(y=sseq,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.75,dist="t",nu=4) lines(sseq,dens2,type="l",lwd=2,col="blue",lty=2) ## Distribution Function df = pSKD(q=sseq,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.75,dist = "laplace") plot(sseq,df,type="l",lwd=2,col="blue",xlab="x",ylab="F(x)", main="Laplace Distribution function") abline(h=1,lty=2) ##Inverse Distribution Function prob = seq(0.001,0.999,length.out = 1000) idf = qSKD(prob=prob,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.25,dist="cont",nu=0.3,gamma=0.1) # 1 min appox plot(prob,idf,type="l",lwd=2,col="gray30",xlab="x",ylab=expression(F^{-1}~(x))) title(main="Skew Cont. Normal Inverse Distribution function") abline(v=c(0,1),lty=2) #Random Sample Histogram sample = rSKD(n=20000,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.2,dist="slash",nu=3) seqq2 = seq(25,100,length.out = 1000) dens3 = dSKD(y=seqq2,mu=50,sigma=3,p=0.2,dist="slash",nu=3) hist(sample,breaks = 70,freq = FALSE,ylim=c(0,1.05*max(dens3,na.rm = TRUE)),main="") title(main="Histogram and True density") lines(seqq2,dens3,col="blue",lwd=2)